Tired Of Exercising: Try EMS

You have seen the advertisements. “Make your abs while watching TV.” Yeah, you picked it right. EMS or Electronic Muscle Stimulation has been there for your assistance for a long time. And most of the people who have some amount of common sense left, do not indulge in purchasing such products but still a lot of curiosity is wandering in the people to find out how this machine works. And as we live in a metropolitan city, impressing people with new technologies is not difficult, so as a result most of the people get impressed and then try to find the best EMS in Dubai in order to get in shape.

But the question is do these machines have any real uses? They might be fine for the rehabilitation of athletes but can they benefit bodybuilders or the ladies who are trying to lose weight instead of joining ladies gyms?

  • Increase Your Power Beyond The Limits!
  • Loss 10 Kg In Just Three Weeks!
  • Lose Weight Without Any Physical Activity!

Sounds too good, but to make it the reality, the right use of electronic stimulation machine is necessary. EMS was used in the old communistic league countries for the purpose of sports training since the early period of 1950s, but the Western world started its use in 1973, when the tremendous potential of EMS was highlighted to enhance the strength beyond the limits.

The main mechanism through which EMS works is very simple. The stimulus of EMS fires all the motor neurons concurrently due to which an uncoordinated contraction is created which is basically isometric in nature. Besides, voluntary muscle contractions move through the muscle in the form of wave to produce a coordinated diverted force.

Since through EMS, individual muscle fibers can be completely charged within a few seconds, the body has embraced different strategies in order to increase the duration of this endurance. The twitch(red) fiber which is slow but is energy efficient is used first in voluntary contractions as it is not so powerful. The only twitch that is strong, robust and fast is the white fiber which is added to support the load.

The benefits we get through EMS are extensively discussed in theory but the real challenge lies in the successful inclusion of EMS in a training program. Basically, EMS can be used for four main purposes regarding the sports training. Firstly, for the enhancement of maximal strength; secondly, as a method of recovery; thirdly, for the rehabilitation and fourthly, as a tool for motor leaning and muscle recruitment.

You can gain maximum strength through EMS from twenty-five treatments that is within four to seven weeks; EMS plays a vital role in the recovery of a number of injuries and is majorly used in clinics over other methods as the other methods increase the length of injury recovery and the most important and common use of EMS is in burning off the calories and keep the body in shape.

EMS cannot give you Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biceps but can solve most of your problems if you select the right EMS for you. FIT IN TIME training method offers you the best EMS in Dubai so that you can achieve your goals faster and with less effort.